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Real Sizes : Payment Methods

Payment Methods
  1. Bank transfer:. You may pay your order using bank transfer. The bank accounts number are:   

NATIONAL BANK ΙΒΑΝ: GR7301101940000019434799003   - Georgios Pampoukis
VIVA WALLET       ΙΒΑΝ: GR6270100000000135645838130   - Georgios Pampoukis

(Please refer the order code, the company name, or your first/last name as the reason for payment.

Note: For Bank transfers performed by different banks than Alpha Bank, the principal bear the costs for banks

  1. Credit/Debit card for payment at our store in consultation with us.
    Debit, credit and prepaid cards Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover are accepted as well.
  2. COD: The Cash on Delivery (COD) service is fully charged to the vendee.
  3. Via Paypal


For all prices referred in the relevant price lists of our e-shop www.realsizes.gr the relevant VAT (24%) is included.

For sales in countries outside the European Union, the vendee bears the cost for taxes and customs duties resulted from the sale of the goods and will have to pay them upon delivery of product(s) to him. Please check carefully the regulations governing each country.
The online store www.realsizes.gr reserves the right to adjust/change the prices for the products affords in its warehouses.